
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Author's Note: Blog One
This is a blog about a fictional character. Her name is Anzie Tompsan and she blogs being in middle school and posts tips from her experiences, on topics such as crushes, mean kids, mean teachers, mean lunch duty people and so on and so forth. I have these experiences, and believe me, all but mean teachers are at my school...but I still know about them. From a middle-schooler's view, weather you are a teacher or a student, I think you would find this blog useful.

BLOG ONE: Changing Mr. or Mrs. Mean-lunch-duty-person

At my school, me and my BFF make up names for certain people. In fact, we made up our own LANGUAGE, and it's funny to watch our parent's faces. Now they NEVER know what we're talking about, so we can talk about how to get back at Her Royal Big Fanny right in front of them! Of course, we never have the guts to do any of the mean stuff we planned too. We think up terrible stuff. But hey, it's fun to dream! Anyways, back on topic. We had this oober mean (excuse me, by accident I may use my native words sometimes) lunch-duty person guy. We called him 'Mean Man'. There was also an oober nice lunch-duty person guy. And guess what we called him? Yep, 'Nice Man'. One day me and some kids were walking into the lunch area. Some other kids ran past us, which you're not allowed to do. The dude thought it was us and said we had to go back to our classroom and walk. This wouldn't be so bad, except that our classroom is way on the other side of campus. Luckily, our sub saw it, and got mad at him and we didn't have to. Thanks googleplex times, Miss James! Well, I tell my mommy (and yes, I did just call her mommy) everything. So this is really her tip. She said a way to get revenge was to go and smile at him every day. So I tried it, and now he's never mean to me! He even called my friend 'sweetie'. But then there's this woman duddet named 'Mean Woman'...

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